The Fast Start to Sales course cuts days off your induction process and gives new people confidence to start earning faster.

The course is ideal for everyone new to sales: new hires, family members, techs transferring to a sales role, young people, part timers and casuals.

The Fast start to sales course is a whole lot easier and way less stressful for all concerned and takes the fear out of hiring the wrong person.

Free access for members. Enrol now.

  • How to make a star salesperson

    Star salespeople are not born that way. They are trained. Trained, trained, trained. And the first and most important training they need from you is their induction. The faster and better you introduce them to your business, their colleagues, your prices and policies, the faster they will get out of the 'new-person-fog' and get selling.
    Wherever you see poor sales behaviour (wage thieves) you can be sure the business owner failed to choose wisely and induct professionally.

  • New salespeople can be successful sooner

    I saw a 16 year old start out in a shoe store and break the store's daily sales record on his first day and break the weekly, then monthly sales record straight on top of that.
    How did he do that?
    He was grilled and drilled in sales techniques before he started.
    I know.
    I trained him.
    He is my son!
    Now I lay that opportunity in front of you, the business owner to make that happen for your new salespeople.

  • Beware of the long arm of the law.

    Don't be a headline in the news. Bad induction means leaving new people unsure of their responsibilities, so they make mistakes, rarely maliciously but most times innocently. This can result in lost sales and lost revenue and even land you in front of a judge.
    But worse than that! If you don't induct people properly things can go pear shaped out of the blue – accidents, bullying, sexism - you've heard the horror stories – and you can end up facing massive fines and even gaol time!

This is self-paced learning at its best.

Self-paced learning, log book entries, signed off by supervisors.

Instead of booking a room and taking experienced staff off the job to give a lecture (a real pain if there is only a couple of new people at a time), you get your new salespeople to watch the lessons on their own, grab their downloaded workbook and then – like it's a treasure hunt – go find the answers from the experts. You or your best staff supporter check their worksheets and mark off their log book to make sure everything is being done to the letter.

Click to enrol your new inductee.

Short term enrolment is available.

Let's say you have a new person starting and you want to bring them up to speed immediately; as long as your own membership is up-to-date, you can enrol them at your membership rate and let them have access to this course personally; even for just one month.

THE FEE FOR THIS COURSE USED TO BE $549. NOW THIS COURSE IS PART OF THE ALL-INCLUSIVE COLIN PEARCE ACADEMY Membership for the one single subscription fee of $77 per month.
The $77 monthly fee is set in AUD (Australian dollars). Your exchange rate will be calculated at checkout. But here is a real bonus for people in countries outside Australia.

LOOK HERE! $77 AUD is only;
    $56 US —£43 UK—E47
Don't be scared or hesitant. You will be able to check before proceeding.
Free access for members. New members enrol here.