Business Leadership Blueprint
2020-21 saw millions of people's hopes and dreams go up in smoke. Those without a blueprint for their lives suffered most because they couldn't find their path back. There wasn't one! Now is your time to nail down who you are and why you are here.
Sell more, easier, faster.
In 6 intensive lessons your sales people will learn to; ask the right questions without sounding shifty, close more sales in less time with less effort, talk less yet be more persuasive, beat your budget and win more referrals.
Fast start to sales
Included in the membership fee. Cut induction time to shreds; get new employees (experienced or newbies) started fast. Stay the right side of the law too, so they know WH&S, policies, procedures, quotas, work expectations—even managing complai...
Speed read people in a blink
Grandma told you, 'Never judge a book by its cover', but you CAN actually relate to prospects, manage your team, and retain your clients with just a few observations. This fun course about reading people will convince you.